State Wars 2014

State Wars. Doesn’t that just sound cool? Who wouldn’t want to try out to be on Team Michigan? Eight skaters from The Grand Raggidy Roller Girls thought this was a great idea and in early March 2014, they went to the state tryouts to show what they were made of. That’s right! We said Eight Grand Raggidy Skaters. Could they be part of the twenty that make up the roster for the State of Michigan? We sure hope so! Not only was the experience awesome, but just imagining being able to play at such a high skill level with a good deal of talented skaters from around the state was quite the thrill.

According their Facebook page, “The State Wars Roller Derby tournament is focused to provide a competitive, national roller derby tournament for the best skaters in each state. The mission is to give selected participants the pride and honor of representing their current state to compete against each other for the ‘National/State Championship’”

There were skaters from all over the Lower Peninsula, vying for the open spots. The day began with endurance, demonstrating your stopping, and blocking drills. The most exciting part of the day was wrapped up in the scrimmage portion of the day. Our skaters were able to block and jam on the same teams and even did well with skaters that are usually their #1 enemy on the track. Rivalries aside, our skaters gave it everything they had. Any time you have an opportunity to potentially skate with some of the best your state has to offer, you better take it. Team Michigan for the win!

Tracey Nowinski