April 13 Home Game Recap
Peach Clobber stepped up to the plate this game. The jammer led the All Stars in scoring with sixty-seven points as the Grand Raggidy All Stars defeated Flint Roller Derby 211-109 on Saturday, April 13th.
Peach Clobber jamming for the All Stars. Photo by Jack Kunnen.
“There were several jams where I felt it was easy too juke around and lap opponents. There were also jams that took over a minute to establish lead jammer because both team’s defensive walls were nearly impossible to break through”, said Peach Clobber, adding, “It was a penalty-heavy night for me, which was frustrating, but I tried my best to adjust while maintaining a good level of intensity.”
In their second WFTDA sanctioned game, Flint kept the game tight, right on the All Star’s heels, highlighted by jamming virtuoso Ash Tray, and the incredible blocking of H 2 Whoa. Ash Tray led all scorers with eighty-five points including a twenty-four point jam in the first half.
All Star Lucy Morals is always dependable, consistent, and never appears to get rattled in any situation. The twelve-year veteran added sixty-five points to the affair, ending with a twenty point scoring jam to close out the game and solidify the win. UltraFox rounded out the scoring majority with forty-seven points for the All Stars.
Hawaiian Punch, in standard fashion, delivered suffocating blows including a knockdown of Flint’s jammer three times in a row on turn three. Bette Mangler was poised throughout the game, receiving only three penalties, forcing holes for All Star jammers to punch through, and forcing the opposing jammer out of bounds on quite a few occasions. Ringo Deathstarr, Lindsay Blowhan, and Maggie Walters rounded out the blocking arsenal for the All Stars.
Game MVP’s for the All Stars were jammer Lucy Morals and blocker Hawaiian Punch. MVP’s for Flint were jammer Ash Tray and blocker H 2 Whoa.
The Grand Raggidy Attack. Photo by Soul Collector
In the second game of the doubleheader, Attack battled against an incredible opponent, suffering a loss to the Ypsilanti Vigilantes 210-130. Jammer Dos Cinco continued her assault, leading the scoring drive with a thirty-two point effort and unleashed a brutal hit on the opposing jammer, leaving her sprawled out on the track in the second half. Misty MeanHer scored twenty-one points as jammer and exhibited top-notch blocking, both defensively and offensively. Co-captain, Dutchruction, also had a few great hits including a wallop which brought the opposing jammer to the floor. Ann O’Steel and Blitzkrieg rounded out the refined blocking efforts of the Attack.
Co-captain, Knight of Slamalot stated, “I think this game was the best we played in a long time. It didn’t feel like a loss because we played so well.” The Attack continue to upgrade their blocking prowess and have built a solid jammer rotation. It was a visible improvement and the fans are looking forward to see what coach Jem and the rest of the Grand Raggidy Attack have in store.
Ypsilanti’s ace jammer Velociroller, led all scorers with a whopping 102 points, including three separate twenty-point jams to cap off a successful evening.
MVP’s for Attack were jammer Dos Cinco and blocker Dutchruction. MVP’s for Ypsilanti were jammer Velociroller and blocker Shrewd Folly.
The All Stars are on the road playing three games in Kalamazoo, competing in the annual K-Town Shakedown, April 27th and 28th, and facing off against Ottawa Valley, Tri-City, and Gold Coast.